Cruiser Indianapolis (CA-35) Division, USNSCC
Navy Reserve Center-Indianapolis

About the SEA CADETS
The Cruiser Indianapolis (CA-35) Division, Naval Sea Cadet Corps (NSCC) is a volunteer youth oriented organization that is open to both male and female individuals, age 13 through High School. If a Cadet turns eighteen and is still in high school, the Cadet may continue participation until graduation.
The Navy League Cadet Corps that accepts applicants ages 10 – 14 also plays an important role in the Cruiser Indianapolis (CA-35) Division.
The goals are to provide participating Cadets with the training and opportunities that assist in their mental, moral, and physical development. The volunteer adult leaders stress the principals of patriotism and good citizenship while instilling in the Cadets a sense of duty, discipline, self-respect, initiative, self-confidence, teamwork, and self-preparedness.
Sea Cadet training is authorized aboard the ships and shore activities of the Navy and Coast Guard. Qualified NSCC Officers and military instructors provide training. Cadets participate in a variety of classroom and hands-on training exercises.
The primary focus of the organization is to prepare each participating Cadet for the responsibilities of becoming a productive citizen.
Looking off into the horizon most are thinking how they can succeed in life and overcome its many obstacles. There are many ways to put excitement in your life and gain respect for others and yourself. One of the ways is to join the Sea Cadet program. In the NSCC Program there are many constructive ways to have fun, meet new people, and benefit from educational opportunities found in no other youth organization. Through the program, you can participate in training all over the U.S., visit foreign countries, gain physical fitness, and participate in many activities that will benefit your development of life-long skills.
General Information:
Wouldn’t it be fun just to go somewhere, other than your hometown, where you could experience the excitement of something new? Trainings in health care, music, construction (SeaBees), aviation, combat (SEAL’s), and general shipboard operations are available. There are training opportunities that will interest every Cadet. Through training activities, Cadets gain a new perspective of life. They begin to develop a sense of independence and learn to be a team member while working with many other Cadets they’ve never met. If training in the U.S. isn’t exciting enough, you could sign up for foreign exchange training in another country. Training activities help the Cadet gain confidence, develop leadership skills, and form friendships that will never be forgotten.
Playing games, running as a group, and participating in a Physical Fitness Training (P.T.) test brings out the best in everyone. The Sea Cadet program will help each Cadet develop their character and build confidence in their skills and abilities through hard work and cooperation with other Cadets. Leadership skills will be developed from watching others while participating in various events and training activities.
In order to join the Naval Sea Cadet Corps applicants must meet the following criteria:
Be between the ages of 13 and 17.
Must be a US Citizen or resident alien.
Be a full time student and maintain satisfactory grades (2.00 "C" grade point average).
Be free of felony convictions.
A medical examination similar to a high school sports physical is required for all cadet applicants to the Naval Sea Cadet Corps (NSCC) or Navy League Cadet Corps (NLCC). No one will be denied admission to the NSCC/NLCC due to a medical disability. Where a medical condition precludes full, unlimited participation, a Request for Accommodation (NSCADM 015) may be presented by the parent or guardian for review so the cadet may participate in NSCC activities to the maximum extent possible.
Adult applicants must be in good health commensurate with their age group and be free from any ailment or condition that would prevent them from satisfactorily performing their primary duty of supervising youth. NOTE: Adults not physically qualified to perform all duties may still participate with a waiver from NHQ considering the parameters of their expected contribution to the NSCC program.
We drill at Fort Harrison Veterans Center and also the
Navy Reserve Center (NRC) Indianapolis.

Executive Director;
Rear Admiral Andrew Lennon, US Navy Retired
Midwest Area Representative;
CAPT William Radomski, USN (Ret)
Great Lakes Regional Director 09-5;
LCDR Dave Witte, NSCC
"...through organization and cooperation with the Department of the Navy, to encourage and aid American youth to develop, train them in seagoing skills, and to teach them patriotism, courage, self-reliance and kindred virtues."
- NSCC Charter - 36 USC 1541
Since 1958 the Naval Sea Cadet Corps has been committed to providing American youth with a drug and alcohol free environment to foster their leadership abilities, broaden their horizons through hands-on training and guide them to becoming mature young adults.
Sea Cadet organizations exist in most of the maritime nations of the world. Recognizing the value of these organizations in educating youth in maritime matters, the Department of the Navy requested the Navy League of the United States to establish a similar program for American youth. The Navy League agreed to do so and formally established the Naval Sea Cadet Corps (NSCC) and Navy League Cadet Corps (NLCC) in 1958. Recognizing the importance and benefits of the NSCC, Congress on September 10, 1962 federally incorporated the Naval Sea Cadet Corps under Public Law 87-655 (36 USC 1541).
Today, the NSCC has formed partnerships with organizations such as the Foundation for Teaching Economics and the Flying Midshipman Association to offer cadets broader opportunities in areas of leadership and aviation. The NSCC also took an active part in the creation of the International Sea Cadet Association (ISCA). The ISCA is an association of Sea Cadet Corps' from around the world, whose main objective is to facilitate exchanges of cadets between member countries.